{Sponsored Post + Giveaway!}: Williams Sonoma: Win a $150 Gift Card!
My heart feels incredibly full knowing that I married my best friend. There are few things that stand out in my memory more than the moment I knew that my husband was "the one." Early on, I could tell that he was definitely a keeper. Part of it was the way that he made me laugh, and part of it was the fact that I knew that he would always be there for me. Brad was kind and generous and all the things you hope to find in a best friend. But what was great about him was that he wasn't just kind and generous to me, but he was also this way towards his friends and family. For me, that spoke volumes.
With Brad I felt safe. Brad was different than that other guys I had dated. He was sincere and definitely someone I knew I could trust. As our love grew, so did our understanding of one another. What my husband and I have is truly rare I think. I think what struck me as being truly special was the way we worked through each and every bump in the road that we encountered as a couple & the way that we respected one another. He always had a way of making me feel loved and cherished.
I remember on my first visit to his hometown, Brad took me to his grandparents house out on the farm. We had a wonderful visit and I remember his grandfather telling us goodbye that night. As we stood in the doorway of his grandparent's little country home, l'll never forget him telling Brad that I was going to make a beautiful bride one day. It was still early in the relationship at that point {we had only been dating for a few months}, but I remember how proud and happy Brad looked. I knew that Brad loved me with all his heart. I knew in that moment, that we would marry one day.
The best love is the kind of love that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. I know this now that I have my husband in my life.
So my question to all of you is simple. How did you know that you found "the one." That one special person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with? Tell me your story of when you knew and enter for a chance to win a $150.00 gift certificate to Williams Sonoma!
I remember on my first visit to his hometown, Brad took me to his grandparents house out on the farm. We had a wonderful visit and I remember his grandfather telling us goodbye that night. As we stood in the doorway of his grandparent's little country home, l'll never forget him telling Brad that I was going to make a beautiful bride one day. It was still early in the relationship at that point {we had only been dating for a few months}, but I remember how proud and happy Brad looked. I knew that Brad loved me with all his heart. I knew in that moment, that we would marry one day.
So my question to all of you is simple. How did you know that you found "the one." That one special person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with? Tell me your story of when you knew and enter for a chance to win a $150.00 gift certificate to Williams Sonoma!
All you have to do is create a wedding registry by clicking the link below and follow the contest rules!
1. Click here to Register with Williams-Sonoma to enter the giveaway. If you are already registered you can add 5 items to your registry! {Important: You must be sure to click the link on our site to access Williams Sonoma to create your registry or update your registry to qualify}
3. You can receive an extra entry if you include your public registry link in the comment.
*Contest Ends on September 22nd so don't wait! Get started building your very own Williams Sonoma Registry today! Good luck!
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