{Crazy for Coral}: A Palette of Coral, Burnt Orange, Gray + White

{Coral, Burnt Orange, Gray + White}
When it comes to finding the perfect palette for your spring or summer wedding...let's face it, there are a lot of choices. From light hued romantic palettes to bright, bold colors, you can really take your pick. But why not choose a palette that's a tad different and unique? You know, one that will leave your guests saying 'wow, I've never seen those colors used at a wedding before, it's gorgeous!' I, for one, am crazy about coral. Because #1, I'm a sucker for bright, vibrant color and # 2, I just can't think of a color that can communicate all that coral can. Coral has such a tropical, exotic, spicy feel to it. At least for me, anyways. {continued...}
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{top row}: lovely bouquet, gorgeous bridal portrait, pinwheel by rebecca thuss, lovely heels, {middle row}: pretty clutch, calligraphy, silhouette, handmade earrings, invitations, {bottom row}: newlyweds in love, table setting with centerpieces, lovely bride, lovely arch.
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Stunning Bridal Portrait + Pinwheel by Rebecca Thuss

Stunning Bridal Portrait + Pinwheel by Rebecca Thuss

With all this talk about finding the perfect palette, have you asked yourself what you want your colors to say to your guests? For this design, my hope was to merge a sophisticated, elegant look with a sort of subtle latin feel. I'm not sure if that was accomplished, but I have to say - I really like these colors together. Some of my favorite ideas include the gorgeous table setting that's featured here along with that soft and romantic bouquet!! So tell me, what colors are you putting on your short list? PS. Don't forget to connect with me here on Facebook - if you haven't already. Oh, and if you have a request, leave yours here.
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