2012, Resolutions and Reflections
Well, hello there color lovers! And Happy New Year! I can't tell you how excited I am to officially kick of the year here on the Perfect Palette! With the new year comes shiny new goals. You know, the kind that you're just so excited to work towards. For me, setting goals is a way to really evaluate my business, my personal direction and whether what I'm doing is working. Have you set any goals for this year?

I also have to point out that I think for those who own their own business it's only natural that your personal goals overlap your business goals. I know mine sure do. I've kept my goals simple this year.

One of the things I want to do is I want to continue working with each of you one one one to fulfill your palette requests. Sounds simple... but that's what this is all about for me! It's about helping you, inspiring you and making this a spot that you love to visit!

Secondly, I want to continue surrounding myself with industry professionals who lift me up. And in turn I want to continue doing my part to support my fellow blogging friend's efforts. I can't tell how great it feels to be a part of a community that is comprised of so many sweet wedding professionals. I feel absolutely blessed by the support and friendship I've gained over the past couple of years.

Thirdly, I want to continue to inspire you - but I'd like to do so in ways I haven't before. Mix things up a bit... push the envelope so to speak! Ultimately, I want to take this blog to new heights! How will I do it you ask? Well, time will only tell... but let's just say that this girl has a few exciting things up my sleeves that I'm so excited to share with you in the coming weeks.

{photo credits: straws, centerpiece, place setting, teacups, something blue}
And lastly... I don't want to work harder this year, I want to work smarter. Meaning, I'd like to streamline my work day so that I can achieve a better work - life balance. Sounds simple enough, right? I'll be sure to check in with you in a couple of months to let you know how accountable I'm being okay?
On a serious note though, I just have to say that the Perfect Palette has blossomed and grown to be a place that I can honestly say that I'm absolutely proud of. I can't begin to tell you how flattered and humbled I am just knowing that you visit me each day to get your daily dose of color.
My life is way more enriched having this little creative outlet to share my ideas. Life before the Perfect Palette wasn't nearly as colorful and for that, I thank you. I thank you for reading, I thank you for coming along with me on this colorful journey, and I thank you for your continued support and love! Happy New Year, everyone! Let's make this a year that we'll never forget!
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