
Wedding Guide


Top 10 Pantone Colors for Spring, 2015

Did you hear the exciting news? Pantone just unveiled the Top 10 Pantone Colors for Spring, 2015! And what a beautiful array of colors they chose! I was going to try to wait to share until next week to share this with you guys, but I'm sorry, this is the sort of thing that just couldn't wait! I'll admit it: I live and breath color. And so naturally, I needed to share this list with you guys! Like ASAP. So without further ado, here are the Top 10 Colors for Spring, 2015!  

Now, New York Fashion Week just kicked off yesterday and so the unveiling of this list couldn't have come at a more perfect time. Just one look at this list and it's easy to see that designers will be focusing a lot on the cooler shades, with shades of blue and green dominating the list. Aquamarine came in as the #1 Color for Spring, 2015 with Scuba Blue, Lucite Green, and Classic Blue following close behind.

What's my favorite you ask? I'm not gonna lie: Lucite Green is kinda calling my name.
Top 10 Pantone Colors for Spring, 2015 - www.theperfectpalette.com - Color Ideas from Pantone

I'll be sure to revisit this list next week to give you the full run down on what I think about each of these shades. And more specifically, exactly how I think that these colors might influence wedding color trends and the like!

But until then... I want to know which color (s) you're loving most? Leave me a comment below and be sure to share this exciting color news!

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Chrissy Arpie Ott

Chrissy Arpie Ott is the founder of The Perfect Palette. Since its launch in 2008, The Perfect Palette has been the go-to color resource for couples who dream of a unique, creative and colorful wedding day.

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